However, there are quite a few things you can't change about your Sim using a mirror, including their body shape, facial structure, skin tone and eye colour, traits and aspirations, gender customisation, and more. As of Patch 113, you can also edit a Sim's likes and dislikes. You can use this to change a Sim's outfits, make-up and accessories, hair colour and style, etc. In ordinary gameplay, The Sims 4 allows you to use a mirror or dresser to re-enter a limited version of Create-A-Sim at any time. (Apartment deposits become free but you still have to pay rent.)

On Xbox One or PS4, hold all four shoulder buttons at once to open the cheat console. A text box will appear in the upper left of the screen for you to type in and enter your cheat commands. On PC, press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console. How to cheat in The Sims 4: Getting started How to cheat in The Sims 4: Getting started.To see this content please enable targeting cookies. The Sims 4 is no exception, with a frankly staggering number of cheat codes and debug interactions that let you control even more aspects of your Sims' lives than you're technically supposed to. t_skill_level - sets the selected skill to a chosen level.Cheats, glorious cheats: they're such a staple of The Sims series that it's hard to imagine playing without them.Grinding skills in The Sims 4 can be time-consuming - if you do not want to wait and endlessly repeat the same actions, take a look at the following console command: